Using non-English C...
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Using non-English Compass Directions

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Posts: 19
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Joined: 3 years ago

The directions in the movement tab are the English abbreviations and are built into the IFAC interpreter at build time.

In order to use another language for the player to input movements you must add the words and abbreviations to the Vocabulary, with the same synonym ID as the English versions already present, and then make entries in the Event table to execute the movements.

For instance, in German for East you would enter both Ost and O as synonyms of East in the Vocabulary table. Then in the Event table make an entry for W1 O, W2 *, Conditions AT [this location number], Instructions GOTO [destination location number].

The Vocabulary words do not work with the Movement table as those instructions are built into the IFAC language.

You might think "Well, just build the German (or French, or Spanish) compass points into the IFAC language" but this is not possible as the German abbreviation for East ("Ost" = "O") would be the same as the French abbreviation for West ("Ouest" = "O"). The same symbol cannot represent two different actions and so the solution has to be in the Event table.

