Last seen: Feb 3, 2025
I'm aiming for mid-January. Worst case scenario end of January. My crate of Red Bull is on its way.
I think this idea is awesome and has SO MUCH potential. {violet}:cool: Especially because you are probably thinking of a different way than I a...
So just to make sure I have this right in my head. The Int parameter would be the user counter number and it would set a random value between 1 and ...
Just to summarize the forum posts that address the orignal questions:- NPCs Finding Objects Inside Other Objects Never Ending Object Supply OR O...
After just writing the "Entrance Hall" mechanic topic it occurs to me that you could use this to change the start location in a weird sort of way. Hav...
Start location is always Location 2 and there is no way to change that. I played with varying start location when writing IFAC and there are just way ...
I'm probably going to provide the info in individual New Topics for these so they are easier to see. For objects that are not automatically declared...
Certainly. Have at it. I'd love to see it when it's done.
Internally there is a slight difference in the code that does an auto GET without you adding anything to the Event Table and the special pickup GET. ...
You cannot delete a row. The relational constraints in the database would either result in cascade deletions you probably would not want or if the rel...